Query the Registry for Commands that are automatically executed each time cmd.exe is run


#description: fetch the information from command processor
#id: aid2112302048
#processtype: query
#category: registry
#sourcelink: <na>
#tacticidlist: <na>
#techniqueidlist: <na>
#compatibleos: |-
#  windows 7
#  windows 8.*
#  windows 10
#  windows 11
#  windows server 2008 r2
#  windows server 2012
#  windows server 2012 r2
#  windows server 2016
#  windows server 2019
#compatibleengine: |-
#  powershell 2
#  powershell 3
#  powershell 4
#  powershell 5.*
#  powershell 7.*
#bgcommandlist: |-
#  get-bgregistry
#notes: |-
#  this key has a registry value named autorun, which could contain command that is automatically executed each time cmd.exe is run. however, modification to this key requires administrative privilege. malware exploits this feature to load itself without user’s knowledge. suspect could also covertly run a malicious program under the cover of cmd.exe, by setting the autorun data to the executable file path.
- Get-BGRegistry -StartKey "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor" 
- Get-BGRegistry -StartKey "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor" 

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