


Runs a SQL script against a SQLite database.


Invoke-SqliteQuery [-DataSource] <String[]> [-Query] <String> [[-QueryTimeout] <Int32>] [[-As] <String>] [[-SqlParameters] <IDictionary>] [[-AppendDataSource]] [[-AssemblyPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Invoke-SqliteQuery [-DataSource] <String[]> [-InputFile] <String> [[-QueryTimeout] <Int32>] [[-As] <String>] [[-SqlParameters] <IDictionary>] [[-AppendDataSource]] [[-AssemblyPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Invoke-SqliteQuery [-Query] <String> [[-QueryTimeout] <Int32>] [[-As] <String>] [[-SqlParameters] <IDictionary>] [[-AppendDataSource]] [[-AssemblyPath] <String>] [-SQLiteConnection] <SQLiteConnection> 

Invoke-SqliteQuery [-InputFile] <String> [[-QueryTimeout] <Int32>] [[-As] <String>] [[-SqlParameters] <IDictionary>] [[-AppendDataSource]] [[-AssemblyPath] <String>] [-SQLiteConnection] <SQLiteConnection> 


Runs a SQL script against a SQLite database.

Paramaterized queries are supported.

Help details below borrowed from Invoke-Sqlcmd, may be inaccurate here.



# First, we create a database and a table
   $Query = "CREATE TABLE NAMES (fullname VARCHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY, surname TEXT, givenname TEXT, BirthDate DATETIME)"
   $Database = "C:\Names.SQLite"

   Invoke-SqliteQuery -Query $Query -DataSource $Database

# We have a database, and a table, let's view the table info
   Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $Database -Query "PRAGMA table_info(NAMES)"
       cid name      type         notnull dflt_value pk
       --- ----      ----         ------- ---------- --
         0 fullname  VARCHAR(20)        0             1
         1 surname   TEXT               0             0
         2 givenname TEXT               0             0
         3 BirthDate DATETIME           0             0

# Insert some data, use parameters for the fullname and birthdate
   $query = "INSERT INTO NAMES (fullname, surname, givenname, birthdate) VALUES (@full, 'Cookie', 'Monster', @BD)"
   Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $Database -Query $query -SqlParameters @{
       full = "Cookie Monster"
       BD   = (get-date).addyears(-3)

# Check to see if we inserted the data:
   Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $Database -Query "SELECT * FROM NAMES"
       fullname       surname givenname BirthDate            
       --------       ------- --------- ---------            
       Cookie Monster Cookie  Monster   3/14/2012 12:27:13 PM

# Insert another entry with too many characters in the fullname.
# Illustrate that SQLite data types may be misleading:
   Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $Database -Query $query -SqlParameters @{
       full = "Cookie Monster$('!' * 20)"
       BD   = (get-date).addyears(-3)

   Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $Database -Query "SELECT * FROM NAMES"

       fullname              surname givenname BirthDate            
       --------              ------- --------- ---------            
       Cookie Monster        Cookie  Monster   3/14/2012 12:27:13 PM
       Cookie Monster![...]! Cookie  Monster   3/14/2012 12:29:32 PM


Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource C:\NAMES.SQLite -Query "SELECT * FROM NAMES" -AppendDataSource
fullname       surname givenname BirthDate             Database       
   --------       ------- --------- ---------             --------       
   Cookie Monster Cookie  Monster   3/14/2012 12:55:55 PM C:\Names.SQLite

# Append Database column (path) to each result


Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource C:\Names.SQLite -InputFile C:\Query.sql
# Invoke SQL from an input file


$Connection = New-SQLiteConnection -DataSource :MEMORY:
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $Connection -Query "CREATE TABLE OrdersToNames (OrderID INT PRIMARY KEY, fullname TEXT);"
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $Connection -Query "INSERT INTO OrdersToNames (OrderID, fullname) VALUES (1,'Cookie Monster');"
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $Connection -Query "PRAGMA STATS"

# Execute a query against an existing SQLiteConnection
   # Create a connection to a SQLite data source in memory
   # Create a table in the memory based datasource, verify it exists with PRAGMA STATS


$Connection = New-SQLiteConnection -DataSource :MEMORY:
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $Connection -Query "CREATE TABLE OrdersToNames (OrderID INT PRIMARY KEY, fullname TEXT);"
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $Connection -Query "INSERT INTO OrdersToNames (OrderID, fullname) VALUES (1,'Cookie Monster');"
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $Connection -Query "INSERT INTO OrdersToNames (OrderID) VALUES (2);"

# We now have two entries, only one has a fullname.  Despite this, the following command returns both; very un-PowerShell!
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $Connection -Query "SELECT * FROM OrdersToNames" -As DataRow | Where{$_.fullname}

   OrderID fullname      
   ------- --------      
         1 Cookie Monster

# Using the default -As PSObject, we can get PowerShell-esque behavior:
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $Connection -Query "SELECT * FROM OrdersToNames" | Where{$_.fullname}

   OrderID fullname                                                                         
   ------- --------                                                                         
         1 Cookie Monster



-DataSource <String[]>
   Path to one or more SQLite data sources to query
   Required?                    true
   Position?                    1
   Default value                
   Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-Query <String>
   Specifies a query to be run.
   Required?                    true
   Position?                    2
   Default value                
   Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-InputFile <String>
   Specifies a file to be used as the query input to Invoke-SqliteQuery. Specify the full path to the file.
   Required?                    true
   Position?                    2
   Default value                
   Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-QueryTimeout <Int32>
   Specifies the number of seconds before the queries time out.
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    3
   Default value                600
   Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-As <String>
   Specifies output type - DataSet, DataTable, array of DataRow, PSObject or Single Value 
   PSObject output introduces overhead but adds flexibility for working with results:
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    4
   Default value                PSObject
   Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-SqlParameters <IDictionary>
   Hashtable of parameters for parameterized SQL queries.
   Limited support for conversions to SQLite friendly formats is supported.
       For example, if you pass in a .NET DateTime, we convert it to a string that SQLite will recognize as a datetime
       -Query "SELECT ServerName FROM tblServerInfo WHERE ServerName LIKE @ServerName"
       -SqlParameters @{"ServerName = "c-is-hyperv-1"}
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    5
   Default value                
   Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-AppendDataSource [<SwitchParameter>]
   If specified, append the SQLite data source path to PSObject or DataRow output
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    6
   Default value                False
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-AssemblyPath <String>
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    7
   Default value                $SQLiteAssembly
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-SQLiteConnection <SQLiteConnection>
   An existing SQLiteConnection to use.  We do not close this connection upon completed query.
   Required?                    true
   Position?                    8
   Default value                
   Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.

Last updated