


Expand-BluGenieArchivePS2 Extracts files from a specified archive (zipped) file.


Expand-BluGenieArchivePS2 [[-Path] <String>] [[-Destination] <String>] [[-NoProgressBar]] [[-Force]] [[-ProgressOnly]] [[-NoErrorMsg]] [[-Walkthrough]] [[-ReturnObject]] [[-OutUnEscapedJSON]] [<CommonParameters>]


Expand-BluGenieArchivePS2 is a PowerShell 2.0 version of Expand-Archive which extracts files from a specified archive (zipped) file.



Expand-BluGenieArchivePS2 -Path C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite.zip -Destination C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite
This will extact the zip files contents to the destination directory.  If the directory doesn't exist it will be created on the fly.
~ By default this will not overwrite any files 
~ A progress bar is displayed showing the current activities, including what file is currently being extracted.


Expand-BluGenieArchivePS2 -Path C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite.zip -Destination C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite -ProgressOnly
This will extact the zip files contents to the destination directory.  If the directory doesn't exist it will be created on the fly.
~ By default this will not overwrite any files 
~ A progress bar is displayed showing the current activities.  However all file names are hidden from view.  Only the overall progress is shown.


Expand-BluGenieArchivePS2 -Path C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite.zip -Destination C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite -NoProgressBar -NoErrorMsg -Force
This will extact the zip files contents to the destination directory.  If the directory doesn't exist it will be created on the fly.
~ All extracted content with the same name as the destination direcotry content will be overwritten 
~ All progress information including error messages will be hidden


Expand-BluGenieArchivePS2 -Path C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite.zip -Destination C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite -NoProgressBar -NoErrorMsg -Force -ReturnObject
This will extact the zip files contents to the destination directory.  If the directory doesn't exist it will be created on the fly.
~ All extracted content with the same name as the destination direcotry content will be overwritten 
~ All progress information including error messages will be hidden
~ The Return data will be in an Object format.  $true / $false


Expand-BluGenieArchivePS2 -Path C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite.zip -Destination C:\Source\SysinternalsSuite -NoProgressBar -NoErrorMsg -Force -OutUnEscapedJSON
This will extact the zip files contents to the destination directory.  If the directory doesn't exist it will be created on the fly.
~ All extracted content with the same name as the destination direcotry content will be overwritten 
~ All progress information including error messages will be hidden
~ The Return data will be in a beautified json format



-Path <String>
   The .Zip file source path
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    2
   Default value                
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-Destination <String>
   The Destination path
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    3
   Default value                
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-NoProgressBar [<SwitchParameter>]
   Do not show an active progress bar
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    4
   Default value                False
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-Force [<SwitchParameter>]
   Forces the file overwrite
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    5
   Default value                False
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-ProgressOnly [<SwitchParameter>]
   Only show the progress bar, do not show the extracted content.
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    6
   Default value                False
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-NoErrorMsg [<SwitchParameter>]
   Do not show any pop up error messages to the screen
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    7
   Default value                False
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-Walkthrough [<SwitchParameter>]
   An automated process to walk through the current function and all the parameters
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    8
   Default value                False
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-ReturnObject [<SwitchParameter>]
   Return information as an Object.
   By default the data is returned as a Hash Table
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    9
   Default value                False
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


-OutUnEscapedJSON [<SwitchParameter>]
   Removed UnEsacped Char from the JSON Return.
   This will beautify json and clean up the formatting.
   Required?                    false
   Position?                    10
   Default value                False
   Accept pipeline input?       false
   Accept wildcard characters?  false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.

Last updated